Thursday, November 26, 2009


From independence till now, there is no a good contractor who is used to contract a strong and good buildings, that is why we need expart to come to Tanzania to build a tall building like which found in the city center of Dar es salaam. Things which annoyed me is that, the indigenous contractor whom we believe on them, they fail to contract strong and attractive building as the result we import some contractor especial from china and other countries.

In Tanzania bribery is every carrier which facilitate, things not to go in good way. The fall down of a ration which has more than seven building is the evidence that the contractors of Tanzania are not good enough which discredit them from other outside that why we prefer most some from outside. Wonderful enough the government which sent them to school they do not believe them that why the government it self import expart to building contraction e.g. Mwalimu House which is within Ilala Municipal and Machinga Complex in the same municipal also are good examples which built with expart from China.

In Tanzania especially main land we have so many colleges which involve in engineering therefore where are those students who graduates in the said colleges, every conner of the country we are just see white who are taking chances, is still colonialism or new colonialism, this article will wake up Tanzania to have a look with opportunity and to question out government about this issue, because we need by ourselves native contractor.

The president of third session Honorable Benjamin William Mkapa, after seeing that there is a need to Tanzania to have the a modern sport ground, he decided to make conversation with the people of republic of China to come to build that ground and they do so. Till this time the ground is ready and it known as Tanzania National Stadium, this ground is very attractive, I have the desire if we could get one another in another region. Okay let we coming to our point about native contractor, the solution is not good to Tanzania contractor that why didn’t get that tender as the result the people from republic of China takes the tender, the important questions are that why not natives struggling for that tender? Is it not the lack of technology? Therefore it must be challenges to us.

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