Thursday, November 26, 2009


In Dodoma region there was a rich man in the village of Chamwino. The rich man was known as Mr. Kupolla, this man was known to his activities of business. He was passed the cars of different size, Land and whole sales shops. In Dodoma region no one who is there, who didn’t know this man, women, children, and even grandfathers.Mr. Kupolla was from gogo ethnic group, which from Dododma region. Wonderful enough Mr. Kupolla never gone to school, he doesn’t know even how to ready and write too.
He was very clever to find life, especial money that’s why he is reach among the richest in Dodoma region.After some years Kupolla was caught in Dar es Salaam city, that he was a beggar in samora avenue, it was noon in the Saturday where by police officer caught Mr. Kupolla and sent him to the police station. Kupolla and pretend that he is a deaf and need help from other people and he use to receive money in unlawful way. Those who reviel that secreat were those how lives with him in Dodoma.Those people were in their shopping in Samora avenue. Those people want to know if Mr. Kupolla is serious sick so that they can help him. Those people also caught by police so that, they can come to witness of that serious issue, and they do so.In the police station those people, write the statement concern the issue of Mr. Kupolla, the police officer ordered him to open the eyes and he neglect.
Police officer decided to can him, giving him caporal punishment after the while Mr. Kupolla open the eyes. All people who were in the police station at a particular time laugh and laugh. Mr. Kupolla decided to cry with loudly voice, and ask for mercy before the police officer. He speaks all things which lead him to be a beggar to pretend his deafness. He said that “it is the way to gain money, because he doesn’t know how to ready and to write, and he use to stay a week or over, then he left to Dodoma.Police officer release those witness, to go on with their activities. The police officer sent Mr. Kupolla to the court after three day.
The court give him punishment after a month that to pay 500,000 at a time then to clean environment around the court in Dar es Salaam for about four one week.After Mr. Kupolla turn to Dodoma people name him as the Richman con man, he decided to feel shy, but he confess to the villages around him, that he will never repeat that behavior again. The villages forgive him and receive him as the good man.From that day the Inspector general of police announce to chase all beggars in the city center of Dar es Salaam.

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