Thursday, November 26, 2009


Economic growth is not easy task, but many people blame to government about the growth of economic in the country. Some are say the leadership fail to use natural resources of the country, some still says that there is the lack of education among leaders which fail to direct people to use natural resources well. The migrant of machinga guys from every corner of Tanzania coming to the urban areas specially Dar es Salaam, this shows that the life in other rural is not good therefore they must migrant to urban to find life. This country found with plenty of opportunity including ocean, lakes, rivers, forestry, mountain and fertile land, if people can be educated to use them there will be no need to go to town to seek for opportunity.

Tanzania previous known as Tanganyika from the beginning the population was law but this time population is high comparison to that days. But population never grow parallel with the economic that why people still poorest. The family planning among Tanzania is like dream, one can have more than seven children and he/she fail to give them service like basic need of human need which is food, shelter, and clothes hence poverty.Education is the mother of success in the life, but the government of Tanzania fail to give her citizen a proper education which will go parallel with the changes of the world as the result our country is still back economically comparison to developing countries. Entrepreneurship education is still low to the people of Tanzania that why they fail to use opportunities which is here in Tanzania hence a greater poverty.

Religion, there are plenty of religion here Tanzania such as Islamic, Christian therefore different believes which isolate people in Tanzania also been a problems which hinder the individuality success so that to contribute much in religion sector rather than in education, hence no one who is succeed in the struggle of development as a result the heritage of poverty is within the generation one after another this factors go contrary to others because some says religion brings civilization, which from the previous days where not here. Some add that those who bring education bring some words to terrify us about the existence of God so that they can exploit our natural resources and they do.

Something which is the main reason for migration of people to town is poor infractures which is a link between urban and rural and to make rural to be un sweetable place to live more over people run to find good like to town.

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