Thursday, November 26, 2009


There is quit difference in physical morphologies, Apart form color, ethnic group and races. I decided to put my greater feeling in this, because the Tanzania culture is total destructed. From the beginning our women, girls were so much good in appearance. This time l use to admire my self that the girls buttocks as well as women increase in abnormality way, I use to ask my self several time but I get nothing about that.After stayed for a long time with that thing in mind, media gives me the answer about wonderful buttocks. It was just August this year where by the media report about cosmetics which stimulate the hormone of women so that to grow faster as the new growth tissue in the body of human being.
The ministry of hearth of Tanzania announce that, the cosmetics which used by women are mostly from republic of china and it is strictly prohibited by the cut of republic of Tanzania. Wonderful enough there are some girls who still use that cosmetic. Media still have the work to educate them, by talking the effect of that cosmetic. More over the government of Tanzania should take the strong measures to stop the smugglers to import on wanted cosmetics.Tanzanian culture are destructed, because girls and women town found that to have big buttocks is a fusion. The use to wear a taity clothes so that to attract boys and men for sexual intercourse, as a result, they got transmitted disease such as HIV and AIDS apart from that disease all girls and women have in danger to got cancer. Things which push them to find fake buttocks are poverty, moral deteriorate because of globalization.
These kind of cosmetics comes from abroad but wonderful enough themselves do not use. There is rapid use of there cosmetic, and its high time for media to put effort so to inform people or to education the victims have been shown in the television with the effects of bad cosmists and she is suffering a lots, There is also cancer victims.Indecent clothes plus artificial buttocks destruct the Tanzanian culture. The globalization, the development of individualism create a certain generation which are looks like European while are African this is to say we live our own culture and we follow western culture this is not good. I would like to I device the government of Tanzania to be more serious to regulate our culture so that a new generation will heritance the good things.

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