Thursday, November 26, 2009


In Dodoma region there was a rich man in the village of Chamwino. The rich man was known as Mr. Kupolla, this man was known to his activities of business. He was passed the cars of different size, Land and whole sales shops. In Dodoma region no one who is there, who didn’t know this man, women, children, and even grandfathers.Mr. Kupolla was from gogo ethnic group, which from Dododma region. Wonderful enough Mr. Kupolla never gone to school, he doesn’t know even how to ready and write too.
He was very clever to find life, especial money that’s why he is reach among the richest in Dodoma region.After some years Kupolla was caught in Dar es Salaam city, that he was a beggar in samora avenue, it was noon in the Saturday where by police officer caught Mr. Kupolla and sent him to the police station. Kupolla and pretend that he is a deaf and need help from other people and he use to receive money in unlawful way. Those who reviel that secreat were those how lives with him in Dodoma.Those people were in their shopping in Samora avenue. Those people want to know if Mr. Kupolla is serious sick so that they can help him. Those people also caught by police so that, they can come to witness of that serious issue, and they do so.In the police station those people, write the statement concern the issue of Mr. Kupolla, the police officer ordered him to open the eyes and he neglect.
Police officer decided to can him, giving him caporal punishment after the while Mr. Kupolla open the eyes. All people who were in the police station at a particular time laugh and laugh. Mr. Kupolla decided to cry with loudly voice, and ask for mercy before the police officer. He speaks all things which lead him to be a beggar to pretend his deafness. He said that “it is the way to gain money, because he doesn’t know how to ready and to write, and he use to stay a week or over, then he left to Dodoma.Police officer release those witness, to go on with their activities. The police officer sent Mr. Kupolla to the court after three day.
The court give him punishment after a month that to pay 500,000 at a time then to clean environment around the court in Dar es Salaam for about four one week.After Mr. Kupolla turn to Dodoma people name him as the Richman con man, he decided to feel shy, but he confess to the villages around him, that he will never repeat that behavior again. The villages forgive him and receive him as the good man.From that day the Inspector general of police announce to chase all beggars in the city center of Dar es Salaam.


There is quit difference in physical morphologies, Apart form color, ethnic group and races. I decided to put my greater feeling in this, because the Tanzania culture is total destructed. From the beginning our women, girls were so much good in appearance. This time l use to admire my self that the girls buttocks as well as women increase in abnormality way, I use to ask my self several time but I get nothing about that.After stayed for a long time with that thing in mind, media gives me the answer about wonderful buttocks. It was just August this year where by the media report about cosmetics which stimulate the hormone of women so that to grow faster as the new growth tissue in the body of human being.
The ministry of hearth of Tanzania announce that, the cosmetics which used by women are mostly from republic of china and it is strictly prohibited by the cut of republic of Tanzania. Wonderful enough there are some girls who still use that cosmetic. Media still have the work to educate them, by talking the effect of that cosmetic. More over the government of Tanzania should take the strong measures to stop the smugglers to import on wanted cosmetics.Tanzanian culture are destructed, because girls and women town found that to have big buttocks is a fusion. The use to wear a taity clothes so that to attract boys and men for sexual intercourse, as a result, they got transmitted disease such as HIV and AIDS apart from that disease all girls and women have in danger to got cancer. Things which push them to find fake buttocks are poverty, moral deteriorate because of globalization.
These kind of cosmetics comes from abroad but wonderful enough themselves do not use. There is rapid use of there cosmetic, and its high time for media to put effort so to inform people or to education the victims have been shown in the television with the effects of bad cosmists and she is suffering a lots, There is also cancer victims.Indecent clothes plus artificial buttocks destruct the Tanzanian culture. The globalization, the development of individualism create a certain generation which are looks like European while are African this is to say we live our own culture and we follow western culture this is not good. I would like to I device the government of Tanzania to be more serious to regulate our culture so that a new generation will heritance the good things.


He was the president of third session Mr. Benjamin William Mkapa, who initiates idea of constructional new modern of national stadium in Tanzania. He develops that idea after one year and he fulfill it by inviter the people from republic of China to come to construct that National stadium.We Tanzania we all appreciate that idea and the way they develop it. We all give them thanks to the precious things like that. The Tanzania football association (TFF) now got something to talk with in the eyes of cecafa that all National much can be played there comparison to the previous days.

Even the football team of Tanzania, benefit much to that foot ball ground. For example Simba sport club and Dar young African when they play in this new football pitch it earn lots of money more than 500, billions Tshs is earn. This kind of money benefit much those team financiallyThere is Lamentation of those team which are from region that, there is a need to build the modern pitch like that because why, the government of Tanzania locate the modern ground like that in the Dar es salaam and not somewhere else. The answer of this is from the ministry of sport that Dar es Salaam is the city centre that’s why Mr. Mkapa decided to build that sport ground here.Economically Tanzania used more than billions of Dollars to build that ground for the sake of all Tanzanian to rise the become to Tanzanian. More over every Tanzanian is proud to that ground.

The location of this ground is good which bring attractive way to the indigenous and foreigners to come in Tanzania only just for that ground.This time the president Mr. Benjamin William Mkapa has already resign from the presidential chair now is president honourable Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete who is a good successor of Mr. Benjamin William Mkapa, and he is doing all development issues which left by Mr. MkapaIn this some years CCM use ground as the “sera” of his party but it is not good because other political parties lament of this issues.


There was the former leader of the defunct Soviet Union, Mikhail Gorbachev and German’s current leader, Angela Markel- the first Germany chancellor from the former East Germany, the known as the German Democratic Republic – making a symbolic crossing of the former fortified border to rousing cheers by Germans who braved a biting cold punctuated by a steady drizzle.
For an ordinary Tanzania from the old generation watching the live event from a television set somewhere in Dar es salaam’s sprawling suburbs, the event must have been startling moment to observe the rapidity of time tickling by: “suddenly” it is already 20 years since the Germans were united again! So soon, isn’t it?

Well for lucky people who are still around, watching the commemoration of that event making history; the collapse of the former communist states of Eastern Europe must have been an event viewed with mixed feelings; among which must have been feelings of nostalgia.It is precisely those feelings of nostalgia that has propelled me to mark the occasion with a different perspective, because there ate always two opposite sides of the coin. Whereas German people may be right to celebrate their “liberation” and reunification, and they have every right to celebrate this event, African people who were around before November 9, 1989 remember with a positive perspective the existence of the former communist states of Europe of those days, best known as the socialist Camp, which included the German Democratic Republic (GDR) or East Germany then.

Had Oliver Tambo who had sat in for Nelson Mandela as leader of the African National Congress of South Africa been alive today, what would he have said of the former GDR or the Soviet Union? Would he have condemned these two states as “oppressive”?In the same breath, had Samora Machel, the founding President of Mozambique’s Frelimo been alive today, what would he have say about the former German Democratic Republic? What would his successor, former President Joaquim Chissano have to say today about the former GDR and Soviet Union’s contribution to the liberation of his country?

What about Angola’s MPLA? Namibia’s SWAPO? The fact of the matter is that virtually all states in southern Africa today are free, thanks to the support of the former communist states of Eastern Europe and of course the Soviet Union; not to forge its ally in the western hemisphere, the socialist state of Cuba.


Economic growth is not easy task, but many people blame to government about the growth of economic in the country. Some are say the leadership fail to use natural resources of the country, some still says that there is the lack of education among leaders which fail to direct people to use natural resources well. The migrant of machinga guys from every corner of Tanzania coming to the urban areas specially Dar es Salaam, this shows that the life in other rural is not good therefore they must migrant to urban to find life. This country found with plenty of opportunity including ocean, lakes, rivers, forestry, mountain and fertile land, if people can be educated to use them there will be no need to go to town to seek for opportunity.

Tanzania previous known as Tanganyika from the beginning the population was law but this time population is high comparison to that days. But population never grow parallel with the economic that why people still poorest. The family planning among Tanzania is like dream, one can have more than seven children and he/she fail to give them service like basic need of human need which is food, shelter, and clothes hence poverty.Education is the mother of success in the life, but the government of Tanzania fail to give her citizen a proper education which will go parallel with the changes of the world as the result our country is still back economically comparison to developing countries. Entrepreneurship education is still low to the people of Tanzania that why they fail to use opportunities which is here in Tanzania hence a greater poverty.

Religion, there are plenty of religion here Tanzania such as Islamic, Christian therefore different believes which isolate people in Tanzania also been a problems which hinder the individuality success so that to contribute much in religion sector rather than in education, hence no one who is succeed in the struggle of development as a result the heritage of poverty is within the generation one after another this factors go contrary to others because some says religion brings civilization, which from the previous days where not here. Some add that those who bring education bring some words to terrify us about the existence of God so that they can exploit our natural resources and they do.

Something which is the main reason for migration of people to town is poor infractures which is a link between urban and rural and to make rural to be un sweetable place to live more over people run to find good like to town.


Economic growth is not easy task, but many people blame to government about the growth of economic in the country. Some are say the leadership fail to use natural resources of the country, some still says that there is the lack of education among leaders which fail to direct people to use natural resources well. The migrant of machinga guys from every corner of Tanzania coming to the urban areas specially Dar es Salaam, this shows that the life in other rural is not good therefore they must migrant to urban to find life. This country found with plenty of opportunity including ocean, lakes, rivers, forestry, mountain and fertile land, if people can be educated to use them there will be no need to go to town to seek for opportunity.

Tanzania previous known as Tanganyika from the beginning the population was law but this time population is high comparison to that days. But population never grow parallel with the economic that why people still poorest. The family planning among Tanzania is like dream, one can have more than seven children and he/she fail to give them service like basic need of human need which is food, shelter, and clothes hence poverty.Education is the mother of success in the life, but the government of Tanzania fail to give her citizen a proper education which will go parallel with the changes of the world as the result our country is still back economically comparison to developing countries. Entrepreneurship education is still low to the people of Tanzania that why they fail to use opportunities which is here in Tanzania hence a greater poverty.

Religion, there are plenty of religion here Tanzania such as Islamic, Christian therefore different believes which isolate people in Tanzania also been a problems which hinder the individuality success so that to contribute much in religion sector rather than in education, hence no one who is succeed in the struggle of development as a result the heritage of poverty is within the generation one after another this factors go contrary to others because some says religion brings civilization, which from the previous days where not here. Some add that those who bring education bring some words to terrify us about the existence of God so that they can exploit our natural resources and they do.

Something which is the main reason for migration of people to town is poor infractures which is a link between urban and rural and to make rural to be un sweetable place to live more over people run to find good like to town.


From independence till now, there is no a good contractor who is used to contract a strong and good buildings, that is why we need expart to come to Tanzania to build a tall building like which found in the city center of Dar es salaam. Things which annoyed me is that, the indigenous contractor whom we believe on them, they fail to contract strong and attractive building as the result we import some contractor especial from china and other countries.

In Tanzania bribery is every carrier which facilitate, things not to go in good way. The fall down of a ration which has more than seven building is the evidence that the contractors of Tanzania are not good enough which discredit them from other outside that why we prefer most some from outside. Wonderful enough the government which sent them to school they do not believe them that why the government it self import expart to building contraction e.g. Mwalimu House which is within Ilala Municipal and Machinga Complex in the same municipal also are good examples which built with expart from China.

In Tanzania especially main land we have so many colleges which involve in engineering therefore where are those students who graduates in the said colleges, every conner of the country we are just see white who are taking chances, is still colonialism or new colonialism, this article will wake up Tanzania to have a look with opportunity and to question out government about this issue, because we need by ourselves native contractor.

The president of third session Honorable Benjamin William Mkapa, after seeing that there is a need to Tanzania to have the a modern sport ground, he decided to make conversation with the people of republic of China to come to build that ground and they do so. Till this time the ground is ready and it known as Tanzania National Stadium, this ground is very attractive, I have the desire if we could get one another in another region. Okay let we coming to our point about native contractor, the solution is not good to Tanzania contractor that why didn’t get that tender as the result the people from republic of China takes the tender, the important questions are that why not natives struggling for that tender? Is it not the lack of technology? Therefore it must be challenges to us.