Friday, October 2, 2009


From bigingi East Africa process three count ries which are Tanzania, Kenya and Uganda. As the time going on there are neighbors who ask to join in such community and accepted those neighbors are: Rwanda and Burundi. Now East Africa community process five members which are Tanzania, Kenya,There are some crutial things which made me to write such kind of article, these based on historical of Albino life as well as this time were there is rapid killing of albinos. The big question which you should ask yourself, and the also the same question is that why this problem is in East Africa and not some where else? Albinos are every where in this world, even whites have albinos and the rest of Africa also, and there are plenty of them.

Historically our fore fathers told me the story about Albinos, that if the clan got Albino that is a great misfortune to the whole family as well as clan, therefore they use to kill them soon after birth. For example the Masai ethnic group they use to kill a baby boy/girl soon after birth if he/she is albino. My grand father gave me the story and the task that there is no Albino in Masai tribe. Soon after western religion comes in our country especially in African. It teaches the African that killing is a greater Sin be fore the almighty God. If mother bear any kind of baby that is a gift form god they have to accept it. After that the family of African started to bear Albino and accept them as human being that why the albino community rise. As the time going on they use to accept them and mix up with another types of man.

Local believes rise among Tanzania that, if you use one part of the body of albinos in your business you will get a greater successful and you will be reach among the reaches. There fore some people who practice that believes, they use to but albino body parties to high value of money, hence the rapid kills of albino rises. I’m still thinking that if this god who know this particular problems, can use his power to secure them. Why I’ m saying this? I wander the god who creator of all creators and love all things in this planet. Can protected them for this calamity, marvelous God stay gloomy always and killings is there. Another thing which is in the hand of God is that, he can not allow a human being to bear albino as to solve the problems.
I cording to my thinking I wish to tell every body that the Albino killing is the will of god. There fore for security let we ask God to stop this kind of problems. Moreover god should give us the ability of avoiding not to bear albinos babies.

In Tanzania every one have his own faith some believes in Jesus Christ and some in Mtume Mohamed swal lwahu alywasalam and every thing which they know that fulfill they are will in faith side, but all these the target is God. God have so many names like. Allah, almighty, yehova, almalik, arhaman.etc In the days of lives I come to realize that God have the bias to the human. If you do not believe me tell me with the vivid example I believe in god, but I’m not a member of any religion in this world, why? Because it have no benefit to me as well as my family. I red to the one of the holy book as it was been was, that “God create man in his own emerge” I have so many questions on this statement that why the emerge of God is in that way, is it black, white, tall or short, I do not know that why I come to say those, God is not a thing is a thing.

There fore the biasness of God is that:- the creation of human being and the environment as well, that is to say some are living in desert, some in mountains, some are so rich and some are so much poor as this bring segregation among human, egoism rise in the hart of every man so that to make things to be scarcity by individuals one to posses lots of things. The logic is that why God create such habit which as the result one man to be superior after another one, there fore I declare that God have the bias.


I use to remember every day this slogan from catholic priest,Father Severin Pius Yaggaza when iwas too young in Soni Seminary 1900's.Now i use to remember the father olways in life.Yagaza is now in america preaching the word of God.Yaggaza Yaggaza write books about soni village as well as seminary to express your internal fillings.Do you?